The Industry Standard
When you help someone to arrange for a purchase mortgage or to refinance their existing mortgage, your brokerage is generating an average of 2% to 2.5% of the loan amount in revenue. Many mortgage loan officers are compensated from between three quarters of a percent (75 basis points-bps) to one and a quarter percent (125 basis points- bps) of the loan amount. This amounts to upwards of half of the brokerage’s overall revenue. Basically, the loan officer does all the work to self-generate a lead and originate a loan and the brokerage earns as much or more than the loan officer.
The New Standard
Our compensation plan is designed for you, the loan officer, to earn what you’re worth. EARN 100% of the revenue less a transaction and processing fee. If we set our compensation directly or with a wholesale lender at 1.75% (lender paid), the loan officer will earn 1.75% of the loan amount, less a small transaction and processing fee. The Our House compensation model pays you 100% commission less a small transaction and processing fee. The transaction fee allows us to pay our bills and the processing fee insures that you are provided with a proactive, responsive and efficient staff that gets the job done. The good news is that Our House provides full support to our loan officers. It’s almost like being in your own business without the expenses.
Our House provides full support to our loan officers. It’s almost like being in your own business without the expenses.
Our House Encourages and Supports a Team Culture
In fact, Our House’s full support staff of processors assists with uploading loans to the lender’s portals, providing telephone support, assisting with retrieving documentation, communication with the parties of interest to the loan and providing administrative support. Our House provides a Paperless Data Management portal to enhance file management and communication between you, and your borrowers and referral sources. At Our House your compensation is a reflection of your hard work. This is an opportunity to keep what you earn while working with people who fully support you and appreciate your value.
Be A Team Leader!
Build and Brand your own team!! We’ll help you with Branding. Inspire your very own team to succeed and enjoy the benefits of leadership! There are opportunities to join Our House as a team leader or as an individual loan officer. Team leaders can assemble their own sales team, as large or modest as they choose, earning overrides from the loan officers that they introduce to our platform. Our House will help to Re-Brand you with Branded signs, marketing materials, business cards, postcards, door hangers, flyers, brochures and folders. Our graphic designer, SEO team and website design team will assist you with all of your custom needs.
Call Now to Schedule a Confidential Interview. (732) 456-7600